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Hey, guys, just a little heads up.
I've been feeling very sick lately and unable to make progress on the latest stuff.
So I'm sorry if I didn't deliver for this week and I'll have to move everything to the next!

Again I'm really sorry about it and hopefully I feel better in the coming days!


b b

Real life happens. Hope ya feel better soon.


Hope you feel better!


Download Delay.var and Delay_Requirements.txt and make sure to click download missing components in the Hub, they are all posted there. Don't move him too much or he wont be happy.


Been sick myself since Saturday. Kids going back to school always brings home crud.. even if its not covid crud. Someone tell me why the masks aren't preventing that from our kids? SMH


Get well buddy!!


You take as long as you need to dude, we got your back!


Hey Alpaca! Just wanted to check in to make sure you were all right, what with all that's going on in the world rn. <3


Hey Gro Lak I'm good :) I just started working again on my next lap! Was stuck in bed for several days tho!


just make sure your var is virus free before uploading :)


No probs! Just make sure to not to overdo it and get well! Also wanted to let you know that the free lapdance Drums go Dum made me wanna insta member! keep on with this awesome work!