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Ok guys as I anticipated I completely reworked the final animation sequence.
Now the action starts as soon as the chorus kicks in giving you more fun time :)
Tell me if you prefer it this way, I need to know as it needs to be final to transition into the extended version, which is scheduled for Sunday!

-Reworked animation near the end (looking for feedback here);
-Little tweaks to lighting for final sequence;
-Improved FPS a little;

Please tell me if there's any problems or of you don't like it! :D


-Added expressions and hand poses;
-Added climax texture and effects;
-Improved FPS with minor tweaks to hair;

Finally a Twerk Lap for all you Drum fans!
This is leaning a little bit more on the "artistic" side. I'd love to avoid being repetitive with my stuff, so I hope you guys don't mind me experimenting here and there.

-Restart button is missing so using the UI one might cause problems;
-Low FPS when she is close (if it happens lower or disable entirely AA);
-Enchanted eyes require shaders on HIGH, otherwise it will look like crap;

Lights as always are intense, and there's no escaping from this one, so beware.

-Place "AlpacaLaps.Cataclysm.var" in your "AddonPackages" folder;
-Open Virt a Mate and before loading the scene verify on the "Package Manager" that AlacaLaps.Cataclysm.var has all the needed dependencies installed, if not download all the missing stuff;

-Freeze before loading the scene
-80Hz, physics cap at least at 2, 3 recommended;
-Shaders on HIGH, avoid low cause it looks bad;
-Possess the guy;
-Try to adjust without moving too much otherwise penis won't go where he's supposed to and will be very sad;
-To restart use default UI button or reload the scene entirely;
-Unfreeze and enjoy!;

/////FILES NEEDED (For this release everything is on the HUB!)
So run a "Scan for missing files" on the HUB and make sure everything is properly installed.

-Hunting-Succubus for the eyes
-JaxZoa for the bikini
-AmineKunai for socks
-Roac for the hair

Plugins - Glance: Realistic head-driven eye motion | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com) By Acidbubbles
-Plugins - Timeline | Virt-A-Mate Hub by Acidbubbles
-Plugins - Soundtrack audio sync | Virt-A-Mate Hub by lfe
-Plugins - Improved PoV | Virt-A-Mate Hub (virtamate.com) By Acidbubbles

I wanted to thank you all for the patience you always have. I know the long wait between laps can be frustrating, and I am sorry for that, but I don't want to get burned out and would love to keep things fresh. So I will always take my time to deliver something meaningful.

Feedback is very welcome on this one, since it's theoretically still in the making :)
Have fun!





Music isn't the hottest, but it's an ok follow up to Drum. I think it got a little lost going for artistic over sexy.


yea nice and slow, nothing overwhelming here. Pantydrop was a little disappointing imo.. and the scene was overall a bit too short? keep on doing, Darkness showed us how it can turn out :)


How would you improve on the panty drop? I thought it looked nice! Yes it's short, I wanted a good intro and the extended will fix the rest:)


it fits in the mood but i found it's barely noticeable.. maybe some tweaks with the lighting can fix this. I personally prefer her ass close to my face while she peels her thong off slowly. Dont get me wrong, this is still quality stuff!


Not bad, the lighting was a bit much for me but that’s just personal preference. Looking forward to the full version as this ends pretty abruptly. Also, have you ever considered using different models for your scenes? Don’t get me wrong, yours is sexy, but it’s been the same model for several scenes now and variety is always good in VAM. Great work as usual.


Great work - definitely see the art and care put into this one. Looking forward to the extended cut! :D

Agift Foryou

I love all your stuff (minus the FUTA stuff) but I must say that as much hyping as this got before it finally came out, it was a bit underwhelming for me. Maybe when the things that caused it to crash are added back in it will be better. Generally the less arty, and the more raunchy, the better! Lol.


Ah I understand, thanks for the feedback! I'll see what I can do for the Future! Though I never did FUTA stuff :(

Agift Foryou

My apologies about the futa part, I must have confused someone else’s work for yours. Like I said I love all your stuff, this one just let down a little.


It's ok I just hope the extended version will make up for it :)


This was phenomenal ... the lighting behind the figure at the beginning along with the music ... it was erotic before I could even see flesh ... great work

Bret Champagne

About this extended version... Shall we hope something soon ? Felt a little sorry for you because the feedbacks were a little more mixed than for your previous shows. Personnaly loved it (as always, the lightning is pure art) but i have to admit the ending was abrupt and a little frustrating... FYI, very curious about the "newcomer"..., "nerd alert" : These curves remind me the "cbbe fetish body" Skyrim mod ;-) Hope our hardware will handle the heat of these 2 alpaca girls together ;-)


Yes Extended is currently taking a little bit more time as I'm trying to remake the ending animation. It's ok tho, I'll always be experimenting, so I expect to disappoint with some stuff.. :)


Regarding update 2: The post-climax animation is definitely better, but I feel like the twerk/sex animation in update 1 works better with the song; in update 2 the beat is dropping and she's looking for a place to put her hands. Also, I don't know if this is just my machine, but during the sex sequence in update 2 the guy gets a moderate case of Crazy Legs, so you might want to look into that. Lastly, it might be nice to have a spotlight on the guy before the animation starts, so it's easier to possess him. But these are all quibbles, the scene is fantastic, can't wait for more!