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* You are always learning or reinforcing a language, even if it's just your one native language.

* The only reason to every put off starting with an L2 is because it would be an Ln, where n ≥ 3. That's just an overly mathematical way of saying, the only reason to put off playing with Japanese is because your language dance card is already full.

* Putting off an L2 because you're "busy" with "work" or "school" is false excuse. It's total BS; it is a fiction in which all adults happily participate, because work and school are "serious" and important -- both financially and socially -- but a fiction nonetheless. Nobody is that busy. You're not curing cancer. Even Elon Musk has time to impregnate nubile young women and he's running TWO companies at the same time.

* Acquiring a language doesn't require Wyoming-like acres of free time. It simply doesn't.

* Even if you were suddenly given oodles of free time, you wouldn't know what to do with it. Because humans (1) are creatures of habit and (2) have short attention spans. So massive expanses of free time are worse than useless to you.

* No college student ever managed to pull the Hail Mary they intended to over Thanksgiving Break. And college students are young, strong and smart. But they are still human. All too human,

* Again, acquiring a language doesn't require Wyoming-like acres of free time. It simply doesn't. It just requires you to (1) use the little scraps of time you already have (30 to 300-second sprints) for active learning (such as SRS) and use the remaining time for passive learning through intelligent earphone placement.

* Use gap-time, waiting time, in-between-time (隙間時間=すきまじかん=sukimajikan). Start your language game now. You'll thank yourself 5 years from now.

* There is no economic case for acquiring language. Until there is. All languages are economically useless. Until they're not. But you'll never reach that inflection point if you keep postponing starting.

* It's too late to start learning (getting used to) a language when you most need it. That's like checking your parachute for safety after you've already jumped out the plane -- WTF, mate? You need to invest smart time and smart energy in the language BEFORE it makes any economic sense; you've got to deposit into that bank account BEFORE you withdraw from it -- long before.



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