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Birgit, a young German woman with impeccable taste in language acquisition methods wonders:

"Hi Khatz, [I know you're] not my boy and not my mothers either (maybe?), 

But I have a question regarding learning the meanings of kanji.

Most sources are in English, which is not my L1 but my L2. 

Now I‘m learning Japanese as my L3 (hopefully [it'll be] better than my English) and [I wanted to ask: should I] translate everything [in]to German (which is my L1) or just the parts I can‘t remember in English? 

Thanks a lot and wash properly (I leave the "what" to your imagination), 


Short answer: keep it in English, fall back to German only when necessary. That way you're essentially laddering.

[How To Learn Multiple Languages Without Getting Confused: The Laddering Method | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time] https://bit.ly/3gmm7Nk


Hitomi Oh

Hey Khatz, thanks a lot for your answer! When studying the kanji I was really curious if people with English as their L1 knew all these words, because even translated into German some are pretty rare. So yeah, nice to expand my knowledge in 2-3 languages at the same time! PS: I just wanted to give washing advice.

Hitomi Oh

PPS: Because you were so curious about the pronounciation of my name: in Katakana it would be ビルギツト so that maybe gives you a hint (you pronounced it right one time at the end of your voice message).