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First things first: mass-scale human suffering is not a punchline. 

Secondly,  those Armenians had it coming. They were too good-looking for their own  good. Not a joke, just stating facts. I have a friend who's only half  Armenian and she's so pretty that it'll make you uncomfortable -- and so  hairy that you'll become a hair person. Arm hair? All day, every day,  bring it. Nom nom nom.

But let's leave aside the happy subject of genocide for now and get serious.

Look,  meng. I'm as gay for Vilfredo Pareto as the next guy. I love me some  efficiency. I once mentioned in passing that I regularly make out with a  pillow case that has Ayn Rand's face on it. And I stand by that  one-liner; I'm not running for office; you can't kink-shame me out  loving dead Russian broads. What I didn't mention is that it's  double-lined pillow case and the inside has a life-size scan of Vilfredo  Pareto's brain. Don't worry about the dates and how I got his medical  records. The point is, I love that man. There is no Vilfredo but Pareto  and Richard Koch is his 80:20.

So,  since AJATT is a sort of "industrialized hippie" enterprise, I too get  drawn to frequency lists in other languages. But I rapidly snap right  out of that noise because I've been burned before. Burn me once, shame  on you. Burn me twice...shame on...you burn me, you can't burn me again.

Here's  the thing. Reality is its own frequency list. If you're exposed to  FUNBUN (for-native by-native) materials, you'll see the same words come  up over and over again; these words will force themselves on you; like a  toddler, they'll annoy you into action through sure persistence. You'll  do a dictionary lookup just to get them out of the way.

Frequency  lists are one of the coolest inventions ever. They also induce suicidal  levels of boredom in me and probably you and many other people.  FUNBUN/immersion exposure is way more fun. Frequency lists are like  government housing blocks: perfect in theory and aggressively depressing  in practice.

Like I said,  it's not heroin. Go try a frequency list if you want. But as soon as it  gets boring, vacate the premises like the protagonist of an action movie  running away from an exploding/collapsing building. Do an "Inception"  and snap out of it. The AI that writes these articles makes no cultural  references past 2014.

OK, so. Be strong. One love. Hit on every single Armenian chick you find. Love to you and your mother.


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