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So...I hate balance. I like extremes. Extremes are easy. Extremes are even, I would argue, more sustainable than balance. Try "balancing" your pen on the tip on a tabletop.

Equilibrium isn't always attainable or even desirable. For example, we all want to make more money than we spend: that's not equilibrium; it's positive disequilibrium. Balance isn't always what we want. But sometimes, it is what we need. And sometimes, it's even doable.

Learning, growth, development, requires a balance of emotion. You must be arrogant enough to believe that you capable of improving and, simultaneously, right at the same darn time, humble enough to believe you require improvement.

Too arrogant, and you don't try to improve. Too humble, and you don't try to improve.

Find that sweet spot of kaizen "humiliarrogance" (or "arrohumility").


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