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Hey friend. Obviously I've been away a long while. Thinking, reading, writing, going through a massive crisis of confidence (lol) -- you know, the usual. 

Without getting too deeply into it, because nobody wants that, I was being all emo and genuinely thought I had nothing of value to give the world. At an emotional level, I still think this is true. Sad. But logically, I know that there must be someone, somewhere who, at this reading, knows less than me about something and could benefit from what I have to say (which is a lot, actually...your Khatz is pretty loquacious).

And maybe that person, one of those people, is you. Statistically speaking, the probability is very much nonzero.

Like I've said once or twice before, ultimately, I am one of the top target markets for my own advice (lol); I myself need to repeatedly hear that song: continue, continue, continue.

Speaking of continuing...

One thing (among others) that I've never given up on is Surusu reps. Doing my reps, just like a beginner (初心に返る(しょしんにかえる), amiright?) keeps me sane and productive, gives me something to win at. Also,just so you know, hundreds of small improvements go into Surusu every month, that's thousands upon thousands of tweaks every year, but I just never talk about it, for the same inscrutably dumb non-reasons I went silent in the first place: overthinking, overreacting. 

Another thing I have to announce is a secret project that I'm not going to tell you about (lol). Instead, what I will do is tell you the things I'm learning from it. You'll get the fruit without having any idea where the tree is from: it's like shopping at a supermarket; it'll be awesome, bro.

But this isn't about me. It's about you. I want to thank you so much for your continued support despite my neglect of you. I left you hanging but you didn't leave me. From the bottom of my decidedly shallow heart, I am really, deeply, sincerely grateful to you. 有り難う。

Let's make a deal: I'll keep putting out more stuff if you help me ignore how much I despise its low quality, OK? I'll keep putting out content and let you worry about the quality. I'm not going to let that be my job any more, because I'm not very good at it (or, put another way, I'm too good at it and nothing is good enough, which is the same thing; it's like liking someone so much you never hang out with them: counterproductive).

Because something flawed is better than a perfect nothing, right?

Humanly yours,



Felix Grant

Hi Khatz. I arrived in Taiwan just the other day. The whole immerse-yourself-in-your-bedroom thing wasn't working out so I went there myself. I discovered I can have pretty decent conversations with the locals in Mandarin and watch the TV, and that's a real joy. Truly. AJATT got me there - both to Taiwan and to my limited degree of fluency. Not all the way there, but a lot of the way. If I followed the advice on AJATT more thoroughly I would probably be better, but I'm still pretty chuffed. I started reading AJATT when Chinese was impossible to me. But then a Kenyan stranger on the internet looked down from the clouds and showed me a way to get there, and a way to go forward, albeit in extremely poor taste. I did learn something from your advice and I still do from time to time. I don't agree with absolutely everything I read on AJATT anymore, and I don't have to. Right or wrong, extremely eloquent and insightful or just a bit, perfect or not, it gives me something to think about and often leads me to my own decisions. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that, even if it's just for me, AJATT is worth a helluva lot more than the $5 I pay a month. (Not that you'll be getting any more than that, because I'm a stingy bastard.) Hopefully some words of encouragement can return the favour instead. 加油哦! If you get stuck, I'd recommend you to ajatt.com, if you haven't been there already. There's more than enough good advice to keep you going on a long, totally pointless, ultimately fun task. Trust me. Love from Roger* *(name has been changed ;) )