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  • Dont clean your house: make your house less dirty.
  • Don’t tidy your room: make your room less untidy.
  • Don’t get good at Japanese: get less bad at Japanese.
  • Don’t make things better: make things less bad.
  • Don’t get fit: get less unfit.
  • Don’t lose weight: stop gaining weight.
  • Don’t gain new Japanese knowledge: protect and fortify the Japanese knowledge you already have.
  • Don’t prepare for the meeting: make yourself less unprepared for the meeting.
  • Don’t get smarter: get less dumb.
  • Don’t get stronger: get less weak.
  • Don’t add awesomeness: subtract suckiness.
  • Don’t do the right thing: do an easy thing, the easiest thing, that’s still in the right direction.
  • Don’t go for a swim. Go to the lake or pool or ocean with your swimming trunks.
  • Don’t run: walk. Don’t walk: step outside. Don’t step outside: get your shoes ready.
  • Don’t bring order to the Universe: bring order to your wallet.
  • Don’t take out the trash: get the trash bags ready at the door.
  • Don’t fix the problem: just stop making it worse.
  • Don’t contribute to the solution: just stop contributing to the problem.
  • Don’t go to the Moon: go towards the Moon.


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