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Sustainable action is better than good action. Worse is better — if worse is something you can actually keep up.

This ain’t no opera. We don’t need your heroism or your sacrifice. That’s pageantry. We need consistency. Real life, real success is about consistency: invisible, imperceptible (or nearly so) and unsexy — like faint morning breath on a girl with pretty eyes...

Real life is faint morning breath, messy hair and groady tee shirts. Real life is lived in and lovingly worn down. Your habits need to fit you like that tee shirt, not like the tuxedo and kimono you never wear.

Utopias always turn into hellholes. Don’t go to utopia. Come here to the real world, and do real things really consistently.

The difference between something and nothing is far bigger and far more important than the difference between something so-so something perfect. And this is why excellence comes from mediocrity. Because perfection(ism) leads to nothing, but consistency leads to massive accumulation of small changes, and enough of that dust makes a mountain. 微差が大差を生む(びさがたいさをうむ)

Show up. Fire up YouTube. Do reps. Do 書き写し. Repeat. Easy peasy.



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