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The trick to accomplishing things you've never accomplished before is not to do things you cannot do, but to try new permutations and combinations of things you can already do.

If you want to go to a new place on Earth, you don't need to invent a new physics, or even new transportation methods. You combine the methods that already exist -- walking, running, swimming, flying, floating, driving -- in new (at least to you) ways, in new directions.

This is what trips people up. They think that a new destination requires new everything. Never-before-accomplished goals must require never-before-taken actions, right? No. You just need the same old actions mixed differently #remix.  You don't need to invent new colours in order to paint a new painting. You don't need to invent a new language to tell a new story. You don't need to invent new letters to make up new words. You don't need to invent new sounds to invent new music. You just need the exact same old wine, placed in new bottles. That's how you get to new places. That's how you change.

Think of even substance addicts. No substance addict is injecting/inhaling/imbibing 24/7. So, in principle, all they need to do is repeat (mass-produce, industrialize) their non-using moments.

And that's what AJATT is. AJATT is the industrialization, the mass production of the same simple language-acquisition behaviors that are available to anyone and everyone. You only have to be able to learn one Japanese word/phrase. Now, take whatever you did to learn that phrase, and do it again. And then before you forget the first phrase, review it. That's all. That's the loop. It's almost boring and anticlimactic, how doable it is ;) . No great adventure. No heroic bilingualism. Just a simple game.


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