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"Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs." -- Henry Ford

"There is a clear asymmetry between the scale of the problem and the scale of the solution. Big problem, small solution. Big problems are rarely solved with commensurately big solutions. Instead, they are most often solved by a series of small solutions, sometimes over weeks, sometimes over decades." -- Chip & Dan Heath

Nothing's hard, it's just weird.

There are no difficult things, just things requiring creativity [to get used to].

Actually, I take that back. There is one class of things that is hard: crappy (for you) methods. The assertion that "nothing is hard" is 100% correct assuming and as long as you have the freedom to tweak things up until they're easy for you. This isn't as crazy or self-indulgent as it sounds -- we position our pillows every night until we get the setup juuuust right. No one (sane and healthy) complains that "lying in bed when I'm sleepy is hard". 

Eating steak isn't hard. Eating uncut steak with a spoon because reasons? Hard. Cleaning house isn't hard. Cleaning house the way some chick tells you to (it's always a chick #causalsexism)? Hard.

Difficulty is in the method and the model, not in the task and definitely not in the real world. Free your means from your ends, let your creativity slip and slide and soar.

[Nothing Is Hard | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time] https://goo.gl/sXzWK3


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