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[What’s Wrong With You? | AJATT | All Japanese All The Time] https://goo.gl/DHEBhQ


Lee Storbakken

I started learning Japanese a few years ago for fun. I got badly sick in 2016 and I am thankful for Japanese because it gave me something to do, a goal that was attainable. I was too sick to leave bed but with my phone and books I set out on a journey. Some days I was too sick to study, but when I had better days, I studied more. I have little money but I used the resources I had. I am not fluent yet but I have made A LOT of progress and it feels good.


Great post, Khatz. I think you meant this, though: "How and why is IT that being grounded in positive reality sets you free to fly? Why so paradoxical? Well, it's like this..."