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I realized my new manga is already uploaded on those free doujin sites like nhentai, etc.
I know that the only way anyone can get the English ver. of my manga is through here, so someone most likely has paid for my manga and uploaded it there.

I know some people dont have the money to pay to read my stuff and would sometimes use sites like those to get some joy out of my comics. And I know lot of my fans are very loving and supporting that even if the manga is up for free, they would still support me either way.

I just wanted to say though, I am worried that for people who are just passing by this month to check out my work might feel its pointless to support me, since the manga is fully uploaded this early on another site. (Even though those sites do not help me financially in any way...)

So ALL Im asking for, from all my patrons, and whoever wants to share the manga to the free doujin society...from now on, can you at least wait a month until you start sharing? Most of what I make is in that month when it comes to new works, and I just would like that time to not worry about issues like this.

I know some people just want to spread my work, but I want people to understand that, money is crucial to keeping an artist to continue drawing.

Sorry for uploading such a long text all of a sudden, I wish you all the best, and thank you all again for the amazing amount of support. I know most of you just wish the best for me, so please just take this as a simple note from your friendly Hentai artist!

I'll see you guys real soon!!
Love you all 🙌❤❤❤


Hideo Kojima

I know I just became a patron today, so it might not mean much coming from me but I'd just like you to know that most patrons definitely do not care if it gets uploaded somewhere else, we are fully aware of that fact, we just want to support your work!


It's funny because I started supporting you on Patreon after finding your work when I was looking up MHA hentai.


Already? So fast....... I’ll keep supporting your work tho. I hope that they follow your rule, whoever they are....

B Wolfe

This. I know the smallest tier is not the most helpful but it's the best way I can help for now 😁 Love your work 👍


I'll be with you donating until you give us a part 2 of Naomi San.


Yeah I too am actually shocked that that happened so fast.... goddamn. But I agree with you and I’ll support you for as long as I can


I originally came from such a website and liked your content enough to come here and support you <3 as others said we don't care if it gets uploaded somewhere

Seth Strattan

I’ll support you all the way


It’s how I discovered and have been a Patron for you for 7 (or more) Months and still going


Thank you all SO much for your kind words and support! You guys sure are the best!! I hope my Patreon can be somewhat of an enjoyment in your everyday lives. And I too will work hard to make this place worth your support!! Have a nice day everyone!!😉👍


I will fap with honor


I think its better to watermark pages so atleast they can find and support you if they like it.


Thanks for the advice. I think adding a link to my patreon at the afterword can be enough for people to consider following me!


to be fair. it was thanks to those free sites that i found you and decided to becomeing a loyal follower soooo there's a plus side i guess :D


Yes, in the long run being exposed to those sites may give me some publicity, I just want that to be a little down the road, after I have had some time to actually sell the product and make some money. But yeah, i guess its better to look at the bright side at this moment

Baron Banana Mustacio

already seen on some sites but I will pay anyway because you earned it. Even if you were to take a month off I wouldn't unsubscribe just because your content is so good that I want to support as long as I can


In all honesty, found your work through the free site first, and then found out you had a patreon, because i believe in supporting artist, especially when they do good hard work. You are awesome

Sir_ BumblinBro_I

I've been a fan, for a long while, after finding your work on Google and other sites. When I found out that you had a patreon; immediately headed on over to here. Love your work and I'm hungry for more. 💙💙


To be honest juna, it was nhentai that made me find you all those years ago. I didn't know anything about Twitter or patreon until last year honestly. It was only after your my harem manga with tsuyu that made me want to look into your patreon. She's my favorite character and you made the best tsuyu piece I know. I am still hoping to see more of her in the future done by you. She is just so good being made by your style. 🐸💚 But when I saw the follower count close to 500, I decided to wait until it became close so I can be your 500th folllower. ^-^ on the day it was close to 496 I set my alarm on a timer on 2:30 am and I stayed up late and even screen shot the moments i became your 500th. I love your work and I'm proud now to be able to support you the best way I can. Legitimately and supportive to my favorite artist that you became the very reason why I decided to do patreon. Just know that I will now always support and root what you do for now on and will always be happy for your hard work 🙇‍♂️ I know that it can be wrong for those that share your work early and make it hard to make money, but know that I swear I will NEVER betray your trust and will respect your work. I am glad to have found a cool and amazingly skilled person like you who I can follow and support with pride ^-^