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Update 3/26: the back half of part 1 is now uploaded and available here (see new preview image above)! The complete part 1 set now includes the Hunting Narcissus, the Hone Karakasa, the Hemlock Whipweed, Betobeto-san, Betobeto-sama, and the Anise Starshooter. You'll also find a new link below for Statblocks v1.2 which includes a few more of the statblocks as they steadily become finished!

Oh, what's that? You're running a ghostly underwater campaign setting and this week's session pits the party off against a horde of spectral fishies only to then be besieged by a preposterously large spiritual bull fish? Well have I got the just the thing for you.

In September of last year as a part of its initial Kickstarter launch I helped make preview tokens made for the release of the upcoming 5E resource module, Ryoko's Guide to the Yokai Realms. The module stands out for its obvious themes within Yokai and boasts a great deal of new creatures, items, spells, feats, all appropriately fitting for an adventure setting brimming with bepoke otherwordly creatures.

The set you see previewed here pairs the lovable Bitan (the enormous bull-like catfish spirit) alongside an onslaught of "ethereal sea beasts". While this particular set has a rather obvious environmental bent to it, I can assure you the rest of what's to come will bring a whallop of elementals, plants, tricksters, spirits, and.... kaiju.

Ryoko's Tokens - Part 1.2 Download ZIP  

Ryoko's Token Statblocks V1.2 PDF 

Because this resource module is still in development statblocks associated with these tokens is very much subject to alterations prior to the final, official module's release. For the time being, there are statblocks included for the Bitan and Swarm of Ethereal Sea Beasts and I will be expanding that PDF of statblocks accordingly as new ones become available in future releases.




Dan Gragert

oh HELL yeah dude!