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Hello all! Here's your recap of everything released in the last month:

Ruin Assets 3: ruptured ground, more wall caps, many more ruins // Direct Link to Post

Gloomknot Ruins: Spooky forest with cryptic statues and palette options // Direct Link to Post

Ice Assets 2: Icy textures, shards, statues, and many more walls! // Direct Link to Post

Dreamspire Apogee: Sprawling, multi-tiered evil wizard workshop // Direct Link to Post

Cloud Giant's Keep (pt.2): 2nd Floor + Basement for Ground floor from Sept // Direct Link to Post

L'Arsene's Tokens pt.5: Adorable familiars of all types // Direct Link to Post

L'Arsene's Tokens pt.6: Assimaloozes and their draconic forms // Direct Link to Post


Jenkin Yang

is your maps has the version for Foudry VTT including walls and illumiant


Hey Jenkin! A number of our maps come with scene prepping included (check out the foundry compilation post in our "frequently accessed resources" post pinned at the top of the stream), but by default, they will primarily be accessible via the embedded search engine offered through our partnership with Moulinette.