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Hey token users!

Today I've got an exciting new set of preview tokens made for the release of the already wildly successful kickstarter campaign for the upcoming 5E resource module, Ryoko's Guide to the Yokai Realms. While the campaign has clearly already garnered enough support to bring the project to fruition, this is the opportune time to get in on the "ground floor" as well as guarantee access to Kickstarter-exclusive packages/content.

The set you see previewed here pairs a couple of featured monsters in the Asura and the Jorogumo Huks alongside a trio of cuter familiars that hint at the much larger versions you may opt to have your players face off against. This project features a lot of the same creative team that's also responsible for the previous Heliana's project I contributed to as well as the currently ongoing L'Arsene's followup and from what I've gotten to see thus far matches the caliber of quality I've come to expect from them. 

Ryoko's Tokens - Kickstarter Set Download ZIP  

Because this resource module is still in development I won't have any official statblocks to share out with you for a little while, but eventually will include both mechanics for the creatures tokenized here as well as their many brethren to be seen in the future.




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