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 About a month ago I posted a poll here assessing where all of you stood on preferences between original content that was released here vs. maps that were based on or intended to supplement preexisting, officially published adventure modules. Responses were somewhat split between the options, but of the module ideas put forward, the Lost Mine of Phandelver was far and away the most popular pick. 

With that in mind, here is the battle map that I have envisioned for the 'Wyvern Tor' optional sidequest as it is detailed in the adventure module. Those of you who have been keeping up may remember that the first guide I released here for making battle maps was actually in reference to another side quest from the same story, Old Owl Well. Unlike that map, the environmental description for this encounter was rather sparse, leaving me plenty of room to fill in the details as I deemed appropriate.

The only real information that I used to base this map off of was that it was "at the bottom of a ravine", home to a band of eight orcs and a single ogre, and contains a fair amount of loot from the band's recent pillaging. 

In addition to this module-specific map however, I've also included a variation of the map without any of the inner contents of the cavern present, allowing it to serve as a default cavern battle map for your own purposes. In our homebrew campaign, I'm planning on having it be the home to a group of basilisks that have been trained to attack travelers moving between Tifdin and The Shrouded Encampment.



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