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Hello all!

For this project I've been very lucky to work with the folks at Roll & Play Press, an ENNIE Award-winning, independent publisher based in London, UK. You might already be familiar with some of their previous work, including the Game Master's Fantasy Toolkit. Their kickstarter for One Shot Wonders closed back in September 2022 with a resoundingly successful 4000+ backers and from what I've seen of the product so far, delivers a uniquely useful tool to all receiving DMs.

As the name of the post suggests, this is but one of a series of map packs (you can find all of them in one condensed location by clicking the "Oneshot Wonders" tag below). This particular pack features the locations of the Baker's Dozen location and the Underground Forge as you can see previewed above.

What's included in the Download:

  • Baker's Dozen - an elicit hideout stashed away beneath a hatch in the floor of the local bakery's kitchen where drinks may be purchased, brawls are fought, and deals are struck.
  • You'll find the map as it's featured here along with a version where the hideout is not superimposed (leaving only the street view visible), PNG files of the bakery interior, the hideout, and the bakery's roof, as well as unfurnished and grid/no grid variants of everything.
  • Underground Forge  - Rivulets of magma pouring forth from a dragon's skull in the main forge flow throughout this subterranean complex, providing it with both heat and moody lighting.
  • You'll receive the map as it appears above, in an unfurnished variant, and in a variant where the magma has been cut off, leaving the forge dark and desolate.

Baker's Dozen ZIP Download

Underground Forge ZIP Download 

Baker's Dozen Interiors PSD Download ($3+)

Baker's Dozen Battle Map PSD Download ($3+)

Underground Forge PSD Download ($3+)




Ryan Rogers

First, these are fantastic. I really like the expanded bakery to the north. I love it when battlemaps are larger than they need to be. It really helps when encounter "spill" outside in urban environments because it gives rooms for things to "grow" into. I could go into a 10 minute diatribe how many city "vendor" battlemaps are ill-suited for battles, and are suitable only for exploration and NPC interaction. This map does not suffer that problem that so many by most creators do. As usual, Kudos to the clean (unfurnished) versions. Those are crucial. I support 21 map creators on Patreon. I only support a handful that don't do clean maps. They are important for exploration context to avoid information and exploration avenue overload, which is what a map such as this is more likely to be used for than actual battles (but, it's good it can do both!) On a related note, I did want to point out one minor thing that perhaps was an oversight: there is no unfurnished, non-lava version of the Underground Forge. The other 3 combinations are provided, but not this one. To me, that's the most valuable incarnation, as from it I can prep an old, ruined, previously explored area which has been looted of most of its contents. I can't do that with any of the three delivered incarnations as the baseline map. I'd need the clean, non-lava version to add to. If it's not too much trouble, any chance we could get an export of the non-lava version, with the furnishing layer(s) disabled so that it is unfurnished? Thanks in advance!


Ack, of course! How did I not do that to begin with. It is done! Download link leads to new ZIP file with no lava, unfurnished versions contained therein. Thanks Ryan!