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Okay folks, gotta say.. this has got to be one of my all-time favorites.

The idea for this 17x30 square battle map was conceived while working on its thematic predecessor, Riven City Sewers. I wanted to create a more chaotic, rundown level far below those sewers where adventurers may be drawn to in pursuit of a victim, to uncover a mystery, or retrieve a stolen item. Thus, the Depths were born!

The manmade sewer system butts up against the earthern subterranean area where multiple levels are interspersed with piping in various states of repair, gushing streams of sewer water into the cavern. At its center dwells an enormous, hideous creature that I'd hoped would serve as nice fodder for a mini-villain with potential to hint at in signs on the street level far above.

What's included in the Download:

  • Riven City Depths in high resolution, as previewed above
  • A version of the Depths without any presence of ooze
  • An unfurnished variant of the depths, with the ooze removed along with the rocky debris, grime, and water.
  • A pipe overlay PNG of the pipes that overlap with "walkable areas" towards the bottom of the map. This is included to allow VTT users to create a separate layer on top of the JPEG map and thus create the illusion of player tokens moving underneath the piping present there.
  • Gridded, gridless, and VTT-Compressed options for all of the above

Riven City Depths ZIP Download 

Riven City Depths PSD Download ($3+)




Ryan Rogers

Very nice! Any chance we can get an export of just the ooze as a PNG overlay so that he can be movable in VTT? If it has the "roots" that's fine. On an unrelated note, one thing that would be great is if going forward your gridded files had _grid in the name, similarly to how your ungridded files have _nogrid in the name. For example: Riven City Depths_Ooze_nogrid [17x30] -> as it is today Riven City Depths_Ooze_grid [17x30] -> the "_grid" is new Why? Smart unpacking and/or search and destroy logic. :-) Since these usually end up being in the same .zip files, and since many of us don't need GRID versions for VTT, we end up deleting them (or not unpacking them to begin with). However, our unpackers / scripts can't easily do so because there is no wildcard to search that works to find something that isn't there. We can't just delete everything that doesn't have _nogrid in it, because that would delete PNG overlays, instructions, regional maps. etc. The result is time must be taken to carefully go into the zip and either pull out only what is desired, or, extract out all of it, and then carefully select and delete what is not needed. Without _grid in the name, there is no simple set of heuristics which make it automatable. Obviously this request is just for new things going forward. I don't expect you to go back and change hundreds of distributions lol. Thanks in advance for your consideration! This would make my life a lot easier as almost every creator is doing this now and it really does save time unpacking maps from 30+ creators a month. :-)


Great suggestions! I suppose in my mind I was thinking of the Ooze as a stationary thing anchored to the ground so I hadn't thought to package it separately, but that makes perfect sense. I've gone ahead and saved PNGs for that as well as another map variant where everything's there except the giant Ooze (i.e. preserve the other ooze details). I'll also try to remember to start including a _grid suffix on gridded variants in the future! Perfectly reasonable request.