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Hello all!

In releasing the Crystal Kingdom map today I've been thinking a lot recently about map supplements to preexisting D&D stories/modules. The Crystal Kingdom map is an accessory to be used/listened with The Adventure Zone podcast and our battle map making guide is for a side quest in the Lost Mine of Phandelver starting module. 

What kind of interest might there be for continuing this trend? Not attempting to replace the maps already found there, but instead help plug holes or add other possibilites for adventure areas where maps may have been deemd 'unnecessary'. If you think that could be cool, let me know which module you think could use the most help.

I also left an option for those of you just looking for my own content here! Not necessarily leaning one way or the other, just entertaining the idea and wanted to see what you all thought.



Personally, I'd rather get more OC. I've run SKT, LMoP, and CoS and most of the missing "maps" have been re-created by a few people out there. So you'd really just be re-treading ground others have already tread (for the most part). And while I enjoyed the Crystal Kingdom map as a fan of The Adventure Zone, I know I'll never actually use the map. I back you because you create great looking maps that, for the most part, I know I will eventually find a use for.


Weird I typed up another reply but it's not showing up, so I'm reposting it here instead of in reply to your comment: I will also reiterate I think it'd be awesome for you to create an overview map of an area or town, then create smaller, more focused maps/battlemaps of interesting areas/features within that map. Let's take a map you've already created, The Shrouded Encampment. This is a great little river or lakeside village with a few interesting locations. There are plenty of interesting locations to create more maps/battle maps associated with this town. A zoomed in shot of the Shipyard and all levels/stories of that building's interior. A battle map of the shore/dock. Perhaps a battle map of a ship anchored in the deeper water of the lake. A battlemap of all of the interior levels/stories of Narameer's Tower. A battle map of either the Second Throne or the Watchful Blade. That's 4-6 battle maps (not including extra levels/stories). The thing that's incredibly interesting to me about creating maps in this way is that it allows me as a DM to take this entire area and toss it into my game and create a compelling adventure utilizing the battlemaps you have given me. This method allows for a greater level of consistency between map to map (as a DM) and transition. I don't have to hunt down a map that kind of sort of works alongside the overview of the town/city/area you've created because it's all there and ready for me to create in. It's sort of like a coloring book. You'd be giving us the outlines/linework for the adventure with the maps, and allowing us to color them in as needed. Maybe you can even include adventure seeds/hooks/ideas alongside the completed set of maps. Essentially what I'm saying is that you've already created these great looking individual city/town/area maps, but if I want to create an adventure in that setting, I'm going to have to hunt down maps/battle maps that kinda-sorta work, instead of having maps that not only work, but also actually represent interesting areas on the map, and fit the style. I hope I've demonstrated what I mean fairly well and hopefully in a compelling enough way for you to consider it.


I think the coloring book analogy is spot on and I totally agree with your point overall. I hope that I'm working towards that goal somewhat with all of this month's maps being located in the 'Ancasta Flatlands' province and one battlemap specifically located in Rochdale. There are several people I've heard from now that seemed to really enjoy the Shrouded Encampment map so I'll plan on adding more smaller scale locations for that area moving forward too.


Shrouded Encampment is great. I have a couple of adventure ideas to toss in that area already, so having smaller scale locations of that area to plan encounters in would be incredibly beneficial and just an awesome service to provide. I see that a lot of people really like the idea of more LMoP maps, but I think there's only two you're currently missing. Wyvern Tor and Agatha's Lair. Is that correct?


In terms of mapping out an area that's correct (if I remember LMoP correctly), but we could always do a few smaller scale encounter specific maps for individual areas in Red Brand Hideout, Wave Echo Cave, etc. Regardless, I'll try and provide 'generic' versions so that they can be used outside of LMoP.