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Hello all!

Chalet Brantifax is another location from the Candlekeep Mysteries 5E adventure that we've been steadily releases maps from for well over a year now. This secreted away, abandoned abode carries some seriously haunted vibes and for your more adventurous parties, a gateway to the Shadowfell.

What's available for download:

  • 38x27 map of the layout of Chalet Brantifax
  • Gridless and "unfurnished" variants of all maps
  • Isolated PNGs of each floor of the chalet with all of the above variants so they can be drag+dropped at will.
  • A "grounds only" JPEG of the map for easier 'layering' with the other floor PNGs in VTT
  • A "labeled" version of the map aligning with the areas as organized within the adventure
  • VTT Compressed versions of everything!

Chalet Brantifax ZIP Download 

Chalet Brantifax PSD Download ($3+) 

Enjoy! Find more of the maps for Candlekeep Mysteries by clicking the "candlekeep" filter at the bottom of this post.



Ryan Rogers

Thank you for providing the clean versions! I've already run this adventure, but since I've got the clean versions, I can still use them. I'll simply mirror the map, repair the upper floor, and fill as needed. I doubt the players even notice it's been repurposed...especially with a solid year between the two.


Very awesome series, thanks so much for this. I don't have Candlekeep Mysteries yet but definitely going to consider getting it since you have so many cool maps for it here.