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Hello and thank you so much for your support here! I truly want the content released here to be well-suited to what you're looking for, so please use this poll to voice your opinion (as well as the comments below!).

For right now I am only looking for a little further direction in regards to what kind of maps you all need the most. I believe the options here are pretty self-explanatory, but most of them have examples in my already posted images if you need something to reference. Please vote for the kind of maps that you prefer seeing and would like to have more of below:



I'll be looking to use additional polls in the future for determining a particular genre (underdark, dwarven, etc.), but for now am only looking to see what format and scale is preferred! Thanks!


Of the options I love battle maps and find having as many as possible the most useful. That said, one of the things that I rarely find, but I think is awesome are a collection of maps like someone might find in an adventure module, except blank and ready for me to fill with details and make use of. That might end up being something like this: - Birdseye view map of a village or town where this possible adventure is set with 2-3 interesting locations. - Battlemaps of said interesting locationss. - A dungeon map/battle map if necessary. Both 2minutetabletop and S. Mitchel have done something similar to this. Here's a link to S. Mitchel's: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/small-town-with-8240982">https://www.patreon.com/posts/small-town-with-8240982</a> As you can see this is a single town/village map with a cave and includes 3 battle maps of that cave system. Doing it this way creates a blank enough canvas for us GMs to paint on and produce a cohesive adventure around with town map, battlemaps, and whatever else. For you doing something like that would allow for you to do Village/Town maps, city maps, prinvincial and regional maps, dungeon maps, and battle maps so you have variations and give everyone a little something that can use. I realize this is more work than just making a singluar map and moving to the next idea and I don't expect you to do this every time or anything, but I think it'd be nice every once in a while. I can dig up 2minutetabletop's version of this as well if you need another example (his has like a town map, 2 battlemaps within town, a shrine battle map, and a island battlemap all of which are of the same area).


Thanks for the feedback! Glad that it appears that some seem the most interested in battle maps, as that is what I was hoping to get into soon. I'm also glad that it seems that you (and hopefully others) like to see some continuity between the maps. I was hoping to work towards this somewhat already; as you can see in the Flatlands regional map there are a couple of locations (Pale Crossing and Rochdale) marked there that also have their own map. I'm hoping to make images that increasingly 'zoom in' between a range of different kinds of maps, but can be used together as a group by those who are interested in doing so.