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Hello! In the recent patron survey feedback, one of the many questions was a list of possible new asset themes. Among these one of the clear favorites as a concept I referred to as "Adventure Assets". These packs would be geared towards a specific, published Adventure setting (likely 5E for now, but with lots of potential for PF and even other roleplaying settings).

The premise of this would be to cover specific objects, furniture, terrain etc. relevant to the adventure at hand and would not cover any existing asset series. For example, an "Adventure Assets" pack for The Wild Beyond the Witchlight would include things of a generally feylike demeanor, but specific to how they're used/described in the adventure text as well as assets for specific artifacts, statues, magic items, etc.

If I'm totally misguided and this sounds terrible (or communicated it inaccurately in the survey) let me know! Otherwise, please choose your top choice(s) of adventures you'd like to be given an asset pack in this way from among the 5E choices below (listed in order of release):



There's never enough Ebberon content online.


No one cares about Strahd. I'd love to see more Ravenloft but not a rehash of the Strahd stuff. Witchlight would be swell. I think Tomb of Annihilation has such a rep it scares players so bad no one will play it, lol. Trick them by renaming it "Jungle Fun Adventure" or something, maybe, haha!


Also, Phandelver? Really? I just don't get it, either. A bajillion artists have done it already.