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Ah, Creobold's Underbelly--a name that some of you folks who have been around for a while may remember.

As you surely have noticed from some of our recent posts, it's our 6 year anniversary on patreon! Among other things (if you haven't already, I'd love it if you checked out our annual patron survey), one endeavor I thought would be fun to take on is re-envisioning--and in this case, making a fair bit more useful--some of our oldest content.

The original map for Creobold's Underbelly was released in November, 2017 during the first year that I had started creating content in the TTRPG sphere. Like a lot of stuff that I had initially focused on, Creobold's Underbelly was pulled directly from a homebrew setting that I was running my first ever campaign through. Like all the best homebrew content, it was never actually encountered by the players.

Creobold's Underbelly ZIP Download

The download link above includes the previewed labeled map in high res, a 44x34 higher res of the underbelly's complex at encounter scale, an unfurnished version to customize to your liking, gridded/non-gridded versions of both, and VTT-Compressed variants of everything.

The Underbelly's premise is that of a subterranean series of chambers beneath the manor of the local Count, which also happens to connect with some naturally occurring caves and tunnel systems. The Count uses this area to house their personal militia of guards, torture prisoners, host meetings in the war room, stash valuables in the ever-secure vault, and imprison an expert tinkerer into crafting all sorts of useful wonders and constructs. It also features a "safe room" on the far end and a tunnel dug to lead outside the city walls in the oh-so-unlikely event that some interloping, do-gooding, outsiders happen to interfere (violently) with their ongoing nefarious activities.

If this is received well (and depending on some feedback on this concept in the survey linked at the top) I may continue to "shore up" some old content, supplement it with newer maps, and in general continue to interconnect the library of locations in such a way that they can more accessibly be used as a whole.




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