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Hello all!

Squeaking in a final map release here at the end of February and I gotta say, I am loving this one and how it's turned out. I'll admit I'm kind of a sucker for ruins anyways, but was trying out a couple of new things here in particular that I was excited to experiment with. 

One of my favorite games of 2022 was Tunic; a fairly popular release of a zelda-like featuring a tiny fox protagonist and a low-poly environment. The aesthetic of the game was enthralling to me and largely the inspiration that led to the map you see here. In particular the use of color was a little outside my comfort zone and I did my best to emulate a similar "dappled light" effect throughout as it's utilized in much of the forested areas of the game. 

What's Included in the Download:

  • 17x22 square map of the "Grounds of the Southern Temple", as previewed
  • A version where the tower/obelisk at the center has been removed, allowing for more open space or the opportunity to place your own campaign-relevant centerpiece
  • A nighttime version of both of the above
  • Versions with and without grids of all of the above

Grounds of the Southern Temple ZIP Download 

Hope you all enjoy, Tunic fans or otherwise!

Grounds of the Southern Temple PSD Download ($3+) 




Any thought into making the actual Southern Temple or any recommendations for a map which could be used in its stead? Really looking for a temple filled with water.


Ah I would love to, that'd be great. Certainly can't guarantee anything in the near term... best I can suggest from my library would be the "drowned archives" maps, but not sure if that would truly hit the vibe you're looking for