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Hello $3+ users!

It's been a little quiet on the foundry-front lately as we've been working on revamping the FVTT conversion process, but if all goes as planned then we've got a lot of foundry content coming out this month. And the first of that are two new foundry-ready adventure modules: Murder at the Lodge and Mind Prison!

Both of these adventures were created originally in collaboration with our friends at Kelfecil's Tales. They make a nice pair of releases as they are quite different from one another with the Murder adventure being almost entirely roleplaying-focused while the Mind Prison adventure constitutes a classic, sprawling dungeon crawl experience.

Murder at the Lodge Foundry Adventure Module URL

Mind Prison Foundry Adventure Module URL

Both of these adventures are now also listed alongside the rest of our foundry-prepped adventures and scenes at the Foundry Adventure Compendium

VTT Conversion by: Linda "Krystaline" Crawford



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