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Helloooo again!

For what might be my final post today (seeing if we can squeeze out a foundry prep too) I have a nifty little dungeon map for you: the Alchemist's Cave! Commissioned by one of our adventurer tier patrons, this cave system is characterized by some interesting qualities, but still perfectly remains broadly usable and I foresee myself saving it in the back pocket for when the time strikes during a wilderness travel random table roll.

The Alchemist's Cave is pretty much exactly what it denotes: a cave with an alchemist inside! Said alchemist occupies this particular cave because the deepest cavern within contains a peculiar pool of poisonous liquid that seems to be sustaining or perhaps... altering? the fauna that dwell in this cave. In addition to some seemingly benign, run-of-the-mill cave features that dovetail nicely with the bestial inhabitants there, the cave also boasts two means of accessing the poisonous pool, though admittedly one is likely far less desirable than the other.

Inside the ZIP below you'll find:

  • Full-Res DM versions of the map as featured above
  • Versions without any labels or a grid overlay
  • An "unfurnished" variant of the map without the distinguishing cave elements as well as the alchemist's supplies
  • A "webbed" version to act as a perfect spider lair stand-in if the alchemist vibe is not what you need right now

Alchemist's Cave map pack ZIP Download 

Alchemist's Cave Photoshop File Download ($3+) 



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