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Hello all!

Starting off May with a more zany, pirate-themed map of Ironclad Cove, the result of a recent commission and based on the location of the same name from World of Warcraft. As you will see from the preview image above, this dank cove is dominated by an enormous vessel known as the Juggernaut. A 4-story pirate ship that is absurdly decked out in cannons of all sizes and varieties, it seems pretty clear the crew is not especially interested in taking prisoners.

The cove itself is a 32x32 square map visualizing the tunnel that's used to access the area, a somewhat ramshackle boardwalk, and a pair of lift machines used to load and unload the ship. Meanwhile the 4 floors of the Juggernaut are covered in cannons, debris, feature multiple scaffolded means of reaching each deck, and contain furnished interiors for housing the crew and any guests it may boast.

What's for Download:

  • 32x32 map of Ironclad Cove
  • Variants of the cove w/o ship and/or manmade elements
  • Isolated PNG files of the Juggernaut's various floors
  • Unfurnished variants of the Juggernaut
  • Versions of all of the above with or w/o a grid overlay
  • Versions of all of the above that's been compressed for VTT play (smaller file sizes)

Ironclad Cove Map Download ZIP 

Juggernaut Floor PNGs Full Resolution ZIP 

Juggernaut Floor PNGs VTT Resolution ZIP 

Ironclad Cove Photoshop File ($3+) 

The Juggernaut Photoshop File ($3+) 




I love this, it looks exactly like Deadmines from WoW!


That is INSTANTLY recognizable and I love it! Holy crap. Without reading the blurb or remembering the location name... "Multi tiered pyramidal pirate ship? L shaped pier to get to it? It's in a cave or rocky cove? Wait. Does that have a house on... yes it does. :D"