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Now this is skiff-racing!

Hello folks and welcome to our final airship release (for now...). To accompany the two larger ships of the Istari Frigate and Pinnacle Yacht I have for you a handful of smaller, single-deck "Skiffs & Skycoaches". These smaller ships are able to serve more narrow purposes in a military fashion, but are even more popular as private vessels and racing machines. And while I'm sure I sound like a broken record at this point, for posterity's sake I'll remind everyone these come from the Airship Campaigns kickstarted module made by Arcane minis and I highly recommend it.

What's Included for Download:

  • Individual PNGs of each deck of the 5 individual skiffs & skycoaches
  • A DM-reference layout map to act as a quick size/comparison guide
  • All of the above with or w/o grid
  • VTT-compressed options for all of the above (~85% smaller file size for VTT)

Full Resolution Ship PNGs + Layout Map 

VTT Compressed Ship PNGs + Layout Map 

($3+ tiers only)



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