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Welcome to the Summit

Today's map release is the culmination of input actually provided by many of you as a part of the Community Generated Map Prompt exercise that was one of the rewards for contributing to the Patron Feedback Survey back in September. The exercise was a bit of an experiment at the time, but ended up being quite fun and something I want to return to again soon for a broader selection of you! 

The Scalepeak Summit is a 22x34 square map and I will go over each of the patron-responded questions below to explain how we got here for those of you interested, or if not you can scroll down to the bottom and download the ZIP containing all of the map content. Inside you'll find the map variants, the 1-page scene primer I wrote for it, as well as a token for the sleepy guardian and the portrait I attempted to paint for him (something I'd like to get more into and improve on in the future).

How We Got Here

General Environment

Forest and mountain took a combined ~40% of the vote!

Degree of "development" in the Map

Ruins was the overwhelming victor here, so pretty easy choice to make

Potential Hazard for the Map

Pretty even split between a few options here so I tried to fulfill all of the top 3! Designed a scene that included steep cliffsides, an "unstable" portal, and a sleeping monster.

Monster Type that inhabits this Map

This one was pretty all over the place so I took the reins a bit here and opted for some creative license from the top-ish choice of "giant" to manifest as a giant sleeping monster.

An "X-Factor" to accompany the Map

Some kind of smaller/secretive area below or above the map was obviously the winner here and originally was going to make its way into the overall package, but I ended up getting so invested into the premise of this map that I'm going to be making an entirely separate, standalone map for the "otherside" of the portal to come out in early 2022. To compensate for my divergence from the will of the people on this point I wrote up the one-page location primer, made sure to include the portal guardian as a moveable token, and took a swing at painting a portrait of him. 

Please enjoy! If you have ideas or suggestions around different questions to formulate future community generated map prompts please let me know!




Cruggle has my whole heart <3 <3