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Hello and welcome to our "Compilation Compendium" a.k.a. the one-stop-shop for making sure you've got all of our content downloaded as efficiently and easily as possible. This page will act as our new solution for getting immediate access to our entire backlog of maps, assets, adventures, and tokens. A couple of things you should know:

  • Our Pilgrim ($1/map) tier is granted immediate access to the last 2 years of content
  • Our Explorer ($3/map) tier is granted immediate access to the entire backlog (5 years of content)
  • We've partnered with our friends at Moulinette to provide simple download links that are patreon-integrated. You'll need to be logged into your patreon account to download them, but they do not require you to be a patron of Moulinette, unlike our other service that provides all of this content directly within the Foundry VTT platform. 
  • The first time you click on a link Moulinette's service will ask to verify your patreon account, after which point it will automatically redirect you to a user page in Moulinette where you'll see all of the available bundle ZIPs for your pledge tier. Once you've been verified the first time, any other links you click on this post will result in a direct download prompt. If you click a link to a tier that you're not a part of it will take you to a "permissions not granted" or a similar error page.
  • In order to allow you to download exactly what you do want (and prevent you from having to download a single 20GB ZIP), I've separated content into major categories as seen and explained below: 

In 2021 we've started partnering more intentionally with writers and designers to create fully self-contained adventure modules using our maps (and in many cases our tokens too). These Adventure Packs are available for all patrons to download. If you play on Foundry VTT, you can find the majority of these adventures already pre-made in Foundry at our Foundry Adventure Compendium.

Adventure Packs Compilation Part 1 Download  

Adventure Packs Compilation Part 2 Download 

The beautiful packs that enable you to craft your very own maps. Dozens and dozens of packs, thousands of assets. Neither the pilgrim nor explorer tiers contain the public assets so you will want to download the Public Compilation in addition to your respective tier's download. If you build maps using Dungeondraft, you can download all of our existing dungeondraft-converted asset packs here

Public Asset Packs Compilation Download 

Pilgrim Tier Asset Packs Compilation Part 1 Download 

Pilgrim Tier Asset Packs Compilation Part 2 Download

Explorer Tier Asset Packs Compilation Part 1 Download 

Explorer Tier Asset Packs Compilation Part 2 Download

These are all encounter scale maps made for combat and covering a wide range of scenarios, environments, and situations. Enjoy!

Pilgrim Tier Battle Maps Compilation Download  

Explorer Tier Battle Maps Compilation Download  

A relatively more recent excursion in our content library, Collection Maps are so named because they are a "collection" of 9 thematically-linked battle maps that can stand alone or be linked together to form much larger "mega-maps". These are all available for all patrons to download.

Collection Maps Compilation Part 1 Download 

Collection Maps Compilation Part 2 Download 

These are all encounter scale maps of dungeons and buildings suitable for running combat on. In many cases they may also come with some additional lore context or room descriptions, but in general do not contain enough design-based content for me to ascribe them the status of "adventure packs".

Pilgrim Tier Dungeons + Buildings Compilation Download 

Explorer Tier Dungeons + Buildings Compilation Download 

This is our most diverse category of maps, containing towns, cities, buildings, dungeons, and regions. We are calling them "lore maps" because they are not encounter scale nor necessarily made for running combat, but rather are there to facilitate your group's sense of place in your campaign world, provide visual inspiration, etc.

Pilgrim Tier Lore Maps Compilation Download 

Explorer Tier Lore Maps Compilation Download 

Available to our Strategist (2$+) and up tiers, this download link contains all token sets released since the token tier's inception in March 2021.

Strategist Tier Token Compilation Download 

This download link contains all content we've made in correspondence with official modules produced by Wizards of the Coast and as such, is available for all patrons to download. Contains maps for Curse of Strahd, the Lost Mine of Phandelver, Storm King's Thunder, Dragon Heist, Dragon of Icespire Peak, and a handful of older modules that predate fifth edition.

Wizards of the Coast Maps Compilation Part 1 Download 

Wizards of the Coast Maps Compilation Part 2 Download

Enjoy! Have questions? Comment here, DM me on patreon, or email me directly at info@venatusmaps.com




The "Explorer Tier Dungeons + Buildings Compilation Download" won't open - it says the folder is invalid. :( I haven't had this issue with any other zip downloads so it seems like a particular issue with this folder.


Hm, I was able to download and extract the ZIP file for that compilation normally as I would any other ZIP so I'm not sure what your problem would be. Just in case, I went ahead and re-uploaded that ZIP to replace the old upload on the backend, so please let me know if that fixes it!


I tried deleting and redownloading it, but it still says "Windows cannot open the folder. The compressed (zipped) folder 'x' is invalid." Got the same message when I told it to extract all, but saying it can't extract it. I don't suppose there's a post with links that I can go through to download them individually? Or is scrolling back through all the posts the only way to see what I'm missing?


Hm.. you can use the post filters to narrow down the post feed, but there's definitely releases in that compilation that are no longer up on the patreon. Let me fiddle with some other solutions (since I also wouldn't want someone else encountering this) and I'll get back to you


Hey Emrys, if you look up at the download links you will see that I've broken up the Explorer tier Dungeons + Buildings into 2 parts (like I've done with other categories). My hope/theory is that the larger size of that ZIP file may have been leading you to the issues you were facing and that if they're smaller you might avoid that. Please try the new download links and let me know if that solves it!


The links are still not working. I am getting taken to Moulinette where I am told Access is Denied.


I went so far as to make an account, subscribe to myself, and did not have any issues accessing the download links. I'm also not seeing any errors server-side. My best advice would be to reach out to the operator of Moulinette directly so you can provide him with details (Dorgendubal#3348 on Discord) and in the meantime, all of the individual links on our archive (venatusmaps.com/archive) should still work perfectly fine (obviously not as efficient as the bulk compilation, my apologies)


I can report that a day later the links now work - no idea what was wrong yesterday


Hey Frak! Hearing that the other individual reporting issues is no longer having problems. Can you confirm whether you're still unable to download anything?


I'm able to download the files fine, but when I try to unzip the Explorer Battle Maps compilation it gives an error that tells me the archive is incomplete. I've tried multiple downloads and using different extraction utilities without success, so I don't think it's a problem on my end.


Hey Dave! I was able to replicate this issue so I've gone ahead and repackaged that compilation and re-uploaded it to the back end. Please try to re-download it and let me know if it works for you!


Hi! I am so excited to download and use your maps! I am at the Pilgrim level, but can't seem to open the zip file. Whenever I click on a pilgrim download, moulinette tells me that I am not authorized to be there. Is there something I am doing wrong?


Hey Greg, looking into this now. Something very buggy appears to be happening with the download permissions, I'll update when I think it's fixed


Hey Greg! Back again. We've isolated the issue as it pertains (we believe) to some stability hiccups on patreon's side that interrupted the way the systems talk to each other. I believe (if the problem hasn't gone away on its own) that if you log out of your patreon account and then log back in again this will smooth out the hiccup and allow you to download as intended. Please let me know if this solution does (or doesn't!) work.


Hi, just thought I would feed in with the above issues - I've had several issues with both the WotC maps and the Token Set; where each time I download the file, it seems to "successfully complete" the download around half-way through to total file size, and then I have the same "Unexpected end of data" that others have mentioned when trying to extract from the ZIP. The specific file that it errors on changes each time, so I don't think it is anything to do with your packing, I think it is the file service provider cutting the connection early before the whole file could be transferred. Any suggestions on how to get to the end of the download without issues?


Hey Dan, I apologize for the issues! I’m away from my device today and unable to investigate your specific issue until tomorrow. Until then if there’s something you specifically need you may be able to find a link to its individual post in the map archive on our website (venatusmaps.com)


Heading to this website (https://assets.moulinette.cloud/secure-downloads) rather than using the direct download links seem to be helping. I'll let you know if there are any further issues,


Thank you for the tip Dan! Investigating currently and updating new versions of the ZIPs you mentioned just in case. I suspect I may need to start breaking up the compilation ZIPs into smaller subsequent parts to make the download easier.


Hey Dan--I'm hoping that your URL tip means you were able to get everything you needed? Otherwise I've updated the URLs and seem to be able to download/extract them fine, though I'm planning on breaking up the bigger ZIPs into smaller parts moving forward since this seems to be a somewhat recurring issue

Danny Castillo

Hey. I am having the same trouble as others. I cannot download Pilgrim assets or the adventurers packs. It start downloading but then it suddenly stops and get end of file on the zip.


Hey Danny! I’m away from my computer for the next day or so, so my ability to troubleshoot this is a little limited in the immediate. I know others have had success logging out of and back into their Patreon account. Have you tried that?


Hi there, sadly all my compilation-downloads stop after a while, I am unable to download any of the packages (pilgrim and explorer). I tried different devices (2 different computers and my smartphone) and different networks (my network at home, at a friends house and at work). The same issue with the direct download via the moulinette Website. Is there some way I could try to make it work? Ps: the downloads of Single maps works fine, only the packages that need a long time have the Problem


Hey! Sorry to hear that, super frustrating. If you're able to--can you try logging out of and back into your patreon account and seeing if that helps? Let me know either way!


I just logged out and in again and tried downloading the Explorer Battle Maps Compilation. It stopped the download at 1,2GB of the 3,42Gb.


Hm, okay I will try looking into the backend of things I can control and will ping Moulinette about it (to be clear, make sure you log out of both patreon AND moulinette, then log back into both). I am unable to replicate any of the issues on my end thus far--so sorry for the frustration! If we identify an issue and fix it I will update you! In the meantime if there's any map/asset you need that you can't access lmk and I will send it to you personally!


So, the log out of moulinette and Patreon didn't work either. At this point I somehow think the problem is on my side (even though I still can't figur out why. Somehow most downloads stop between 700MB and 1GB downloaded data). But Aren't all Maps, assets etc. still downloadable via the single posts you made? So if I can still get the files from the compilations by downloading them one at a time: I'm fine with that. P.S.: I already used the first maps this monday, and they are amazing!


I'm getting a "corrupt" error when trying to unzip the WotC files


Hey Lyndsay--I was unable to replicate any issue with WotC files on my end; I've reuploaded the ZIPs on the very back end as that sometimes "unclogs the works" so to speak. Let me know if that fixes it for you? Were you having issues with any other ZIPs?


Wait, unless I'm missing something, you do have to support Moulinette in order to access the content within foundry. The module specifically states (after I verified my patreon account) You are not yet supporting Moulinette. You won't be able to access any content from creators below


That's correct! As it states above, our partnership with Moulinette allows us to a) provide direct bulk download links here (w/o having to be a moulinette patron) and simultaneously b) enable all of that content to be accessible and searchable inside of Foundry (but DOES require you to be a patron of moulinette as well)


I get the "Access is Denied" on Moulinettes website, even though i am explorer ... edit: figured it out, incase someone gets stuck: if you're logged in, relog and the link should work


Came to comment on the original and was glad to see you figured it out! Welcome aboard!