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Hello all!

Today's post is of the ever-appreciated bonus variety (read: free! extra!) courtesy of our friends at Torchlight Press (who you may remember worked with us on last map's month of The Arched Repository).

Just in case you're looking for yet more hag-based, spooky swamp content after the Harvest's End adventure + map we released earlier this month, the good folks of the Torchlight fiefdom are here to deliver. Taking advantage of my own previous maps for the Waylorn Lodge and the Ruins of Neandolen, the Children of the Swamp starts with players being hired by a pair of distraught merchants at the Lodge to seek out the missing children, eventually leading them to a series of conflicts within the weary walls of the ruins. 

The PDF itself as well as ZIPs for each of the maps (for easier access) can all be downloaded directly below. 





The pdf mentions apendices. Where are they?


Should've caught that myself! Just spoke with TP and they're confirming it's an error; working on a fixed version that I'll update the post with. Thanks Tsumi!


Any update on the appendices?