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Hi current patrons! I'm only creating this post to act as a signpost for incoming patrons interested in the Adventurer Tier's customized map reward. Feel free to ignore.

As a part of their support on Patreon, Adventurer Tier supporters gain the opportunity to earn a customized map request as an extra thank for their patronage! Please refer below for an example of how this relationship operates and rules & conditions around it.

How it Works

The communication process is easy! Simply put, you'll need only to have an idea of what you want to see and be able to describe it (the more detail, the better!). A rough sketch of how you imagine things like the example above is helpful for getting us immediately on the same page visually speaking, but in no way required. Once I have a clear vision of what you want and what I'll be making I'll communicate clearly in regards to what my queue looks like, when you can expect my first sketches, send regular updates, and finally when the final product will arrive.

Rules & Conditions

  • This reward can be redeemed towards either a battle map (17x22 squares), a building layout, or asset pack theme. If you're looking for a map of a dungeon, settlement, or something else beyond the bounds of the aforementioned you'll need to contact me outside of this arrangement.
  • The license for the resulting map and/or assets will be for non-commercial purposes only. Similarly, while you will obviously be welcome to use the map/assets in your games in whichever way you see fit, I will retain ownership of the images themselves for legal and distribution purposes.
  • This reward is unlocked after 3 months of consecutive patronage at the Adventurer Tier and requires that there be no maximum pledge cap. Any amount of support outside of those means, while sincerely appreciated, will not count towards this reward.
  • It is the obligation of the patron to contact me when they believe they've hit the threshold of support necessary to unlock this reward. Upon contact I will verify and then begin the communication process necessary to seeing your map realized!
  • Lastly, please bear in mind I have a pretty constantly churning production queue. When you've unlocked your reward please bear in mind that it will likely not see completion after contacting me until 2 or more months afterwards. Please plan accordingly when deciding on your request.

That's it! Have a question? Leave a comment here, DM me on Patreon, or email me directly at: info@venatusmaps.com! Thanks!


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