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Pleased to get to share with you another map from the Great Expanse setting (though this one being less explicitly tied to that setting). Muskrat Gorge is a stretch of trail that winds between a meandering set of jagged rocks and cliff faces, providing innumerable nooks and hidey-holes that bandits and other ne'er-do-wells take so kindly to.

This particular gorge is so named for it being used as frequent ambush spot by the despicable Muskrat Bandits. They've terrorized groups traveling further west by pillaging them of all they're worth. Though they're known for not killing outright if not antagonized by their quarry, they've often stripped them of enough supplies that it effectively becomes a death sentence this far out into the wilderness. 

This battle map is made extra special by the added content of Paper Miniature creator, David Okum! David was kind enough to create a set of bandit miniatures made specifically for the Muskrats and the Great Expanse setting and I couldn't be happier with them (something about a Dragonborn in a cowboy hat and smoking a cigar brings such a strange joy). David has been making miniatures for literally decades and you can get instant access to hundreds of sets of different miniatures right now on his own patreon, or if preferred you can browse for what you want on Drive Thru RPG.

Please show David some love and let me know what you think of the map too! This is the first of a couple of other similar such collaborations I've got coming down the pipe this month. Excited to keep getting to share with you all!





Muskrat is an interesting name choice for a map with a southwestern/ arid vibe. 🐀 😉