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Hello all!

Last year for our 2-year anniversary I announced the launching of our own standalone website, separate from our existence here on Patreon. You all have been incredibly encouraging, helpful, and supportive in response since then and I have nothing but gratitude for that. 

While the website's launch and existence has largely been a success (though I find I have little time to work on it after creating maps all month!), I have always wanted to be able to offer more accessibility for patrons to content that grows older than 2 years and migrates over to the website. That desire has led to months of tinkering when I could find the time to and frankly, a lot of headache. I am not a code developer or software engineer and it would surprise you how much of the stuff you expect to see on a digital storefront requires expertise that is difficult for me to justify spending time acquiring. 

I am if nothing else however, incredibly stubborn. So with that, let me share with you (in its current version): the Patron-Only Discount Shop!


  • You can find it at this URL: https://www.venatusmaps.com/patron-only-collection 
  • You will need to register as a member of the site in order gain access to the page (that information goes straight to me and I do literally nothing with it, don't worry)
  • This is a 'secret' page on the site in the sense that it doesn't have any links to it found or listed on the site itself. Instead, you only go to it by manually entering it yourself or already knowing of its existence. 
  • As the collection description details, that page is a collection of all the maps that have grown older than 2 years and 'expired' from the patreon page. There is no other difference in their presentation or file format. 
  • Every month I send out a newsletter to all of you through the email addresses associated with your patreon account. In addition to summarizing the major content releases of each month, those newsletters will also now include a promo code that can be used when checking out with products from this collection.
  • This promo code changes each month and when used, will discount one product in your cart by 100% and can be used once per month.
  • So in summary, what this effectively results in is a means of providing access to you all to the 'expired content' not otherwise available on the patreon in the form of one free map per month. 

It is my sincere hope that this opens up new avenues of content that I genuinely want you to be able to use as a token of my thanks for your support here, while also preserving the current 'mutual-collaboration' of the website + patreon. As always, if any of you have any questions about the process or have any suggestions for how it could be done better please don't hesitate to message me or leave a comment below.




Hey folks! The April Recap newsletter just went out and has May's discount code at the bottom; if you haven't received that email please double-check your listed address associated with your patreon account and then contact me with any issues!