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Hello people!

For the final map of February I'm going to be sharing with you the last addition to the reworking of the underwater dungeon maps from the classic 2E trilogy Evil Tide, Night of the Shark, and Sea of Blood. I started working with this series back in September of last year and in total it has produced the Upper Caves, Drowned Caverns, Lair of the Eater, and the Throne of Teeth, all of which build to this final dramatic conflict with the Deep Mother, nestled within the gargantuan leviathan you see featured on the map.

The Dominion is a glowing, partially living citadel that dwells within the unfathomed deepening, a seemingly infinitely deep canyon at the deepest reaches of the sea. It houses several factions of sahaugin as well as the mastermind behind all of the nefarious activities of this trilogy: the Deep Mother. Players will have to fight and/or sneak their way into the Dominion, squeeze through the correct organs (or be assimilated within a 'digestion pod'), and fight the Deep Mother and her brood before they're able to resurrect their long-entrapped god child. 

But I won't reveal too much, since it can all be read up on in much greater detail in the original adventure! If you haven't already, you owe it to yourself to pick it up now from DMsGuild and its 5E conversion module for it too! Altogether I've been glad to be able to revisit this module for my own use as a DM as well as help shine new light on its locations by re-imagining its maps.




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