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Hello all! 

For the last map of January I've been having some underdark yearnings while sketching layouts for the upcoming Sewer Assets so I decided to put a map together for it!

I've recently been trying to integrate various pieces of D&D lore or creatures into battle map designs and I was particularly inspired by the Azer (page 22 of the Monster Manual), though I could just as easily see a DM using this for Duergar or several other underdark species or inhabitants. 

Aside from acting as a nice 'crossroads' of sorts while your players trespass amongst the underdark, I've also included a version of it without any of the architecture so that you can use it as a simple geographical feature (posing obstacles of its own) or as a blank, magma-covered canvas of sorts for you to have more freedom to drop assets into.

If you're into underdark maps, allow me to also redirect you towards the Underdark Fungi Forest map I released in 2018!





Very cool! Though, I think you mean the last map in January.

Kurt Stoffer

I will give a like to any dungeon map with lava :)