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Hello all!

Many of you will remember me sharing the Truesight Torch preview last month as I continue development on the module I'm designing for the Westernos' Deep dungeon maps released in October/November (between all of the regularly scheduled map making of course). 

Here before you I share the Westernos' Watcher, a creature previously alluded to in the torch's stat block. Though there will obviously be more lore-based information in the module itself, this creature is effectively an ascended priest of Westernos, now acting as a vessel for a small part of Westernos himself. He is nestled within the deepest room of the Chambers of Ascension and guards the pit that leads to the Tomb of Deadly Rites

What I'm really looking for here is feedback! Both on the look of the watcher itself and perhaps more importantly, its stats! While I've DM'd for years now, there's a significant difference between cobbling together stuff 'behind the screen' and actually trying to balance content for other's use. So I thought why not crowd source this a bit with all of you creative, thoughtful folks? So please, hit me! I've already put in some work into editing the stats of the original truesight torch based off of your feedback and would love to do the same here. 

Working hard on getting this module finished and in your hands as soon as possible!




Note - CR should be 6 for 2300, not 5.

Steven Pine

my 2 cents. ac 12, 84 hit points is probably too squishy. give it a couple resistances, like to necrotic, maybe non-magical weapons. perhaps let it cast false life as a bonus action at will. raise dead seems off flavor, but i don't know. maybe the legendary action only effects creatures who have been damaged? like the art, cool flames! maybe those flames continue to burn for necrotic damage d4 rounds after being hit?


Definitely agree it’s a little on the squishier side, though I thought a casting of anti life shield first turn would help tremendously with that. Resistance to non magical weapons is worth considering and the burning flame damage to melee attacks is cool too! There are some environmental influences in the chamber he guards that will also bolster him too. Thanks for the feedback!