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Heya people!

So as you can (hopefully) tell, I got pretty sucked down the rabbit hole on this map and ended up sinking way more hours into it than I had originally planned, but I'm quite pleased with the final product and trust that you'll all put it to good use. The Palace Gardens is a battle map idea I've had rattling around for quite a while now, dating back to an old urban battle theme poll I put out where it had been listed as an option.

As I approached it I researched a few more famous gardens and castle grounds for inspiration and reference and landed on wanting a more manicured, geometric layout to it, in this case the pinwheel. It's my hope that you'll be able to use this in lead up to a castle introduction or nobility district--providing a decadent backdrop of flora and foliage mixed with enough room (alongside DM interpretation) for players to maneuver around the gardens as they fight off the king's assassins, tail the corrupt court judge, etc. 

In case it's not 100% clear, the knights on horseback are hedge sculptures and the form in the middle of the fountain is actually a scale model of the castle overlooking the gardens, water pouring forth from its windows. 

As per usual, you'll find inside the pack a version with no grid, a VTT variant, a printable PDF, and this time I included a nighttime palette as well.




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