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Hello all!

For this week's battle map I'm so happy to share with you the product of a collaboration between myself and musician Will Savino from Music D20! Will reached out to me a little while ago after having become a fan of the content I work on and after listening to his own work the feeling quickly became mutual! 

I assume many of you (like myself) value the audio atmosphere at your table and may enjoy (and put way too much time into) prepping music selections for specific towns, scenes, or encounters. Well after agreeing to work together Will was kind enough to lend some of his musical talent to The Hallowed Brazier. Below, you'll be able to download 2 different .mp3 file variations of a score he developed specifically for our map, Pious Vengeance. The original version is faster paced and great for the middle of a fight while the (String Quartet and Bells) version is a little slowed down and perhaps better for more atmospheric music and/or leading up to a potential battle.

In any case, I'm certainly a fan of Will's work and I hope you will be too! If you like the score that he wrote for this map I'd love it if you took a moment to check out more of his music on his own patreon page.

Now as for the map itself, most you will probably remember the Devil's Bay battle map I released last month and how it was based on a piece of drone photography. Well, this is another one inspired by an image I grabbed from that same subreddit, IRLbattlemaps. This one is actually based off of one of the entrances to St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican City! However, the original image was actually grabbed directly from Google Maps and therefore there was quite a bit more 'artistic interpretation' as I made the map you now see before you. I was simply too inspired by the dramatic angle of the entrance and how much character and mood it felt like it could lend to a location.

In my campaign setting this is actually the entrance to The Hallowed Brazier, a temple in the Upper District of the capital city of Pemphero dedicated to the god Belenus. I'm hoping that you'll be able to use it as a nice urban map for a similar temple/cathedral in your own city (or even just any kind of large, fancy institution will do). However I've also isolated just the entrance itself and saved it as a PNG for you to use as an asset in case you'd prefer an ancient temple buried in snow or found underground, etc.

Enjoy the map and the music!



Will Savino

Hey all! I'm the guy behind the music, and I'm really excited for you to check it out. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!