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Hello all! 

Was recently asked by a $5 patron to take another stab at the classic player-reward keep and we went above and beyond this time.. resulting in Hollowfang Keep! This growing stronghold boasts a three-story keep, blacksmith, stables, and barracks, all well defended by the towered walls of the keep. 

This map pack contains not just the map of the keep featured above, but more importantly--separate assets of all of its parts, including interiors of the guard towers, the Upper Level and Cellar of the keep, as well as roofs to place on top of all of them too. The goal here is a Keep that can grow with your players as they invest in it and allow them (and/or you!) to arrange its pieces as they desire. 

I enjoyed getting to put all of these together and imagine returning to something in this same vein soon with more specific add-ons for more niche buildings and/or more residences to continue to grow the keep as it gains more followers and townsfolk. 

If you're jazzed about this sort of thing and want more, I'd point you towards the Hilltop Stronghold released about a year ago. In there you'll find a few more roofs, a druid grove, as well as another cliffside ground to build your keep on instead of the one provided here.





Love it, this is exactly the sort of thing I like (other than towns and cities ;) ). Can you drop a link to the PSD pack for the Hilltop Stronghold too?


This is fantastic and I love the fact that you made the majority of the elements modular instead of fixed. One minor quibble, many of the elements didn't come with a no grid version like you normally do. Was that an oversight or not possible with this map.

Kurt Stoffer

Great Work, that's a really cool keep !


I love that we get to arrange the pieces however we like. I hope to see more stuff like this. Great job!