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Hello all!

I can't guarantee every public asset pack is going to have this quick of a turnaround moving forward, but I was surprised and inspired enough from the last poll for asset theme that I wanted to jump on this one right away.

May I present.. the City Assets Pack! For several reasons this pack is pretty different from the previous public asset packs I've made. For starters, all of the assets in this pack are (obviously) at a city scale, not battle map. Doesn't mean you might not be able to find some creative overlap between the two, but by and large the drawback here is that these have far less 'compatibility with previously released packs. Secondly, there is a LOT OF STUFF in this pack. In addition to creating lots of city walls and other assets for this, I skimmed through a few of my own city maps to give you: 

- 200+ "Building Clusters"

- 125 "Buildings of Interest"

- 400+ "Normal Buildings" 

- Compasses, scales, and Miscellaneous Buildings

- 119 Trees

- 2 Small bodies of water

- 6 parapets, 30 complete walls, and nearly 300 individual wall parts

Altogether making this by far the largest pack I've ever put together. With that, rather than try and make 5 different color variations of each asset and variations of each of those with preset shadows (knocking the total asset count from the already huge number of ~1300 assets to a staggering 13,000 assets), I've instead made some instructional videos!

In three brief videos (16 mins total) I'll show you how to adjust the colors of the buildings to exactly what you would want, how to create varying kinds of drop shadows for your assets, and how to use the Dirt Road Brush I included to create roads that will fit to your city perfectly! All with little prior Photoshop experience required and taught in such a way that it will make it easy for you to reenact the same methods yourself (please don't make fun of my humble youtube page).

Lastly, I know this pack has some deficits and compromises had to be made. While the additional Photoshop instruction is nice, that does become a bit of a roadblock to those of you who aren't necessarily keen to use such a program or use something else to assemble your maps. Additionally, I know for this to be more robust we'll need more building variations, more geographical landmarks, and much more. While I already have plans marinating for a Part Two, I would sincerely love any and all feedback/suggestions/critique you can offer here. 

And as always, those of you now feeling inspired should please consider adding your new city maps to the Community Library for others to use too. 

Enjoy! This pack will remain patron-only until a month from now when it will become available to the public. Thank you for helping to support that!



Deranged Derro

Honestly, I prefer assets without the shadow already added in, and for anyone who doesn't know, GIMP is a free Photoshop-like program that's not hard to learn to use.


Freakin' epic. I'm planning to use these with Wonderdraft and looking forward to the tutorials. Your part 2 plan sounds great: perhaps more assets like fountains, garden spaces, statues, ponds/lakes, markets, and more geographical elements to scale? That, plus some more specialty buildings like temples and keeps would really round things out!


I was able to just recently make a lovely battle map using a myriad of your maps and assets and it was a truly delightful experience! Your art style is exactly what I want for my maps and I’ve already downloaded and organized the assets from the last two years. It’s made map making enjoyable again! I’m still very new to your Patreon and Patreon in general but has there been any plans for a world map asset list like this? Would absolutely love to have one.


Oh you're my hero, I was just getting ready to ask if there was a free alternative for those who couldn't handle a photoshop subscription.


Holy moley! I will never get any useful work done again.


Did you mean to put the Walls.psd file in there under Wall Parts?

Tette Niinimäki

Different textured walls would be one suggestion, and then maybe stables/fields/crops/farm stuff :) Still, sooo hyped for the city assets!


You are absolutely awesome! Thanks for all the time and work you put into this.


And if you're in a real hurry... photopea.com is a free, on-line app that's a Photoshop clone


I kind of disagree on the GIMP concept. It's a great program. Just as powerful and useful as PS, plus being free is a major advantage. But easy? Not really. For what the majority of people will be using the assets for putting things together like lego, it's overkill and a bit unwieldy. It's like using a F1 race car to pick up groceries. If a person is already reasonably familiar with PS or GIMP, then sure use what you know. But for a total noob like I was I tried for a couple of days and gave up. I use paint.net instead. It might be only able to do 80% of What GIMP and PS can, but it's all you need for legos and the UI is much easier to understand. I'd now consider myself pretty good at making battle maps with the assets and it's all self taught, because paint.net's UI made it really easy to figure things out as I went along. Not so much with GIMP or PS I found.


This is incredible, thank you so much !

Eric Kooistra

The ZIP download isn't working for me :/