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Hello all! 

Excited to share with you a map that is serving a few different functions: 

a) The Deep Passing is the entrance to the tomb of Werstonos, a funerary deity in our homebrew campaign setting. This tomb (as you can likely imagine) is going to be the location of the next dungeon I'm designing to be released next month. Yay for interconnected maps!

b) I've been intrigued by more 'interactive' maps that can react to the influence of players' actions. In this case, the seal to the tomb's passage is opened via the introduction of 4 relics (your macguffin(s) of choice) to the alcoves in each of the 4 stone braziers surrounding the seal. As each relic is placed in the alcove an eerie purple flame bursts forth that casts a dark glow around it and when all 4 braziers are lit the seal splits outward, revealing the gaping caverns below. All of these are preserved via PNG assets of the lit braziers and open passage so that you can easily reveal and/or drop them into the map as players take the relevant actions.

c) A desert map! A desert theme has been a reoccurring option in the public asset polls for a while, but has never secured that favorite spot to get a pack made. That in combination with the lack of desert-based adventures in the main 5E modules and it not playing much a of a role in my own campaign setting means the desert has often gone neglected! Well no longer I say.

Enjoy! And expect to see another sandy map or two coming your way in the following months.




I love the idea of making the map interactive with extra assets and have experimented with that idea myself. This map will definitely get used in my homebrew.


Thank you! I'm running a swampy, island adventure right now, but I have plot ideas for a sequel that would put us out in a desert--and there's like, zero maps for this. So I really appreciate desert maps, since I know I'll need them soon!