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Hello all!

I need to cover a couple of things here, but let me start by saying that in the wake of our recently released Ships & Sailing Assets Pack I'd like to send out another call for any and all submissions to our Community Library. If you're not familiar already, the Community Library is a collection of maps made by all of you using the assets I've produced. Its only intention is to continue the spirit of creating and sharing maps by allowing others to access a larger pool of crowd-based efforts (particularly those that don't have the time to put the assets together into maps themselves).

If you've used my assets to create maps of any kind please consider sharing your work for others to use by either linking to it in a comment below or simply emailing me the file directly at: info@venatusmaps.com. If there's a specific way you'd like to be attributed aside from your patreon username please let me know.

Secondly, we need to talk about the Public Asset Packs. Way back when, the first Forest Assets Pack was released as a part of a 'growth goal' I created as a 'reward' for us hitting a certain level of patronage. When that was released it got a fair amount of attention and the growth of the patreon well exceeded the pace at which I could create asset packs to keep up with it (you can flip through our met goals on the front page of the patreon if you're so inclined). 

Since then our growth has stabilized a bit and we've drawn closer to the point where the wait between Asset Packs may not be due to how long it takes me to create them (almost 5 months between the Cave assets and the Sailing Assets), but rather when/if we hit a certain growth goal. What I am going to propose as an option here (and as a way to allow me to release these larger packs more frequently) is that we:

a) make public asset packs a paid post (were previously released for free) 

b)  have them remain publicly accessible (while still being 'paid for by patrons') 

c)  remove them from the schedule of growth-based rewards (to be replaced by other content) 

The content, size, and effort I put into the public asset packs will not change. As a result of this shift I suspect it will allow me to create these packs more frequently (due to not having to create them in addition to 5 monthly maps) and have more varied, patron-influenced content arriving as rewards for growth goals (mini-modules, VTT tokens, youtube videos, and other ideas as voted on in our Patron Feedback Survey).

If you'd like to weigh in on this proposal one way or the other (and I'd appreciate it if you did!) please vote in the poll below:


Adam Miller

I decided to become a paetron primarily because I got great use from your asset packs and wanted to support you in hopes of seeing more in the future. As things are so far I am more than pleased, and hopefully look forward to more fantastic packs!


I selected Yes as asset packs are the things I use the most. If voting yes means I'll get packs more often then I'm fine with some of them being publicly available. Maybe they could be patron only first and then free to the public after a month.