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Hello all!

For the first battle map of this month I bring you Tavlinda's Glade, another map in my recent line of 'widely applicable, but still containing interesting story seeds' (I need a better title I think).

As I consider what are commonly found story points that DMs might need to build an encounter around, it seemed like an interaction with a fey creature might be right up that alley. So while I have included a version of the above map without Tavlinda's 'well' in the center as simply a nice looking forest battle map, I did specifically design this one for a scene where your players might have to negotiate with a moody dryad or placate a irritable pack of pixies. 

In this case (I haven't actually ran this for players myself yet), I imagine Tavlinda as a specific fey creature that has a bit of a reputation among certain locals in this part of the countryside and when she does choose to be available to visitors, the pool of water in the center of her small isle will glow with fey magic as she emerges, perching upon the rocks covered in the fine rug featured. 

Whether your players may have a bone to pick with Tavlinda or are instead beseeching her aid in the surrounding forest, or simply just wanted another forest battle map to add to your collection then I hope you'll find this one useful!





I love this! I've always enjoyed any of the maps you've created. Your art style is just the right combination of enough information to create the look/feel without so much that it becomes "busy" and distracting for me. I personally feel that photorealistic graphics (or ones that attempt to be) can often leave something to desired and get in the way visually. My only misgiving was how specific to a campaign your maps often were and would attempt to "retrofit" them with limited success. Truth is I became a patron more due to your wonderful asset packs then anything else. Well this map is wonderful IMHO and I've already thought of two instances where I might be able to use it.


Funny enough, when I did my fey encounter in my campaign, it looks similar! Though a tree instead of a well, and a waterfall pour into the waters, and of course, with your assets. This'll be great to have as a back up in case someone angers a dryad or the like!


I'm pretty much the same. Use the assets a lot and struggle to find a use for the maps. Not because they aren't great but that they are often a bit too specific. This one is generic enough that I will probably find a use for it however.


You know what I love best? Typing in the search and finding the perfect map that I need in 2 hours!! Thanks!


I revealed this map to my Friday campaign. Everyone raved about the map. I tell them I'm just that good (typing what I need in a search window). Thank you for making my campaign(s) great!