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Hello all!

So, this one's a little out of left field! Story time: the first map that I put together (after you all voted between locations) was Xanathar's Guild Hideout. Like the more recent Vault of Dragons, this was a new envisioning of the black & white, simpler maps included in the official module. Like the other content that I've made based on WotC content, once the maps were finished I polished it up into a little package to put on DMsGuild for others not supporting me here to purchase.

For reasons I can't really explain the logic behind, the fine people at DMsGuild decided that battle maps made based on the locations detailed in the Dragon Heist module would not be supported as standalone products. This meant that after a few months of being put up, the Xanathar's Guild Hideout was deactivated on the site. After some discussion as to how they had come to this decision and what I could do to rectify it, it seems that the overarching policy moving forward is that any maps I make for WotC content must be a part of a larger 'DMs Resources', not just the map itself. Therefore (with their blessing) I have gone about creating my own set of the ever popular 'Paper Miniatures' to supplement the maps I've already made and thus satisfy the criteria of their new policy.

So, with that out of the way... paper miniatures! I am well aware that there are several others out there already producing really great quality paper minis and so it's not necessarily something I'm trying to break into here, but am hoping these small sets can be somewhat successful for you nonetheless. As you can see from the preview image I've made a set of 7 miniatures for you, matching up with the enemies you would encounter in Xanathar's Guild Hideout as it's described in the module. 

Since I've never made paper minis before there was certainly a little bit of a learning curve in their design and I would obviously really appreciate any feedback you all could give me on these. Additionally, knowing that many of you play online and not in person, I also went ahead and made monster tokens from each of these illustrations for your VTT usage.

Enjoy, and please let me know what you think!




Very nice. The VTT tokens are handy and while I normally go with 400 to 500 px tokens, the 256 px images are fine.


I assume the higher pixel count is desirable simply for the higher quality? Does that ratio still play nicely with grids? I ask as someone that does not normally play via VTT


Correct. It is just for the nicer image quality. Most VTT apps let you zoom in to maps so while the maps may be built at 50 to 200 px/grid, users often are displaying them such that a single grid cell is occupying 200+ pixels on the display. Additionally, character sheet views may take advantage of higher resolution images. So, while higher resolution images are nice for those using VTT apps that take advantage of it, the 256 px tokens are perfectly usable in the majority of cases. I just like my tokens to be pretty when I zoom in on them. :)

Ignas Orlovas

These. . . Are. . . AWESOME!!!


Love it. Are you planing to create some other basic monsters / characters? We are playing offline and having miniatures would be awesome.