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Hello all!

Felt like knocking out the remainder for the Vault of Dragons for the end of the month here so I present you with the difficult-to-access 'Lower Level'. As you can see, there are some rather enormous riches your players could gain access to should they play their cards right...

Unlike the other two floors this level doesn't separate quite as nicely into separate 'sections', so I will be creating a printable PDF for it that splits it into full-bleed pages, similar to what I did for Iymrith's Lair. You can expect that as a part of the more 'official' compiling post I'll put up for the Vault that has all of the levels connected, print-outs, etc.

Not much in the .zip below, just the above image and an 'emtpy' version without the treasure in case you'd like that not visible for some reason or want to place treasure in a different set of alcoves.




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