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Hello all!

For the last map of March I have for you: Nahti-Natu, the 'island of illusions'. This is a semi-regional map that I worked on for with a long time $5 supporter as a part of their campaign setting. 

We worked together however shaping an area that I intend to be one well-suited towards the Saltmarsh adventure(s) Wizards of the Coast is releasing next as well as what I imagine will be a more naval-oriented ruleset introduction. This along with the 'Ships & Sailing' assets pack that I'm working on means you all will hopefully be well prepared in the months to come should you be interested in that new content they're providing.

Nahti-Natu is a relatively large island that boasts a few natural and.. supernatural means of protection from wayward adventurers looking for a dungeon to plunder. Besides a series of rocks and shallow rapids surrounding the island that make it difficult to navigate, mysterious mists and intentionally placed illusion glyphs populate the small waters between those rocks, causing any ships that pass through them to come out with a bewildered and confused crew. 

The top of the 'moutain' of Nahti-Natu is home to a shrine to Laira, the goddess of illusions. The shrine is however only a door to the larger temple built into the island, which also has a secret doorway closer to sea level on the southern portion of the island. Only a small band of pirates that worship Laira know of the exact path they must take to traverse the illusion glyphs and safely arrive on the island and therefore use it not only as a place of worship, but also as a location to 'lay low' when the seas get rough (i.e. the Marauder's Vestige).

Enjoy! Hope it gets your adventure-telling brains turning in anticipation of a new naval campaign!



