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What a fun month for finishing up long-lasting projects! What you see before you are the last set of rooms that I'll be publishing as stand alone maps from the infamous Castle Ravenloft from the well-loved WotC module Curse of Strahd.

I've been working on mapping out the castle's beautiful (but at times difficult to use) three-dimensional, whole-castle maps into top-down battle maps for well over a year now and I'm happy to say that the end of the project is within sight.

All of the major rooms have been created and shared with you all at this point, both as collected images per map (like above) and isolated into individual PNG files. What remains is to continue to blend the rooms into each other to form combined floors (like you can see here for the dungeons & catacombs), create a few more 'filler' rooms and hallways that I didn't deem worthy of devoting a paid post to, and fixing little errors here and there that developed over a this lengthy project.

Once that is all finished the next post you see regarding Castle Ravenloft will be the polished, organized form that I'll be using to present the project in its entirety (and of course providing to you all for free!). As a part of that effort I'll be: 

- providing an easy-to-use PDF to print the majority of the rooms of the castle using nothing but a standard home printer

- including all of the rooms organized by their room number as noted in the module (K12, K29, K45, etc.)

- including entire combined floors of the castle as well as individual rooms at a VTT appropriate resolution

- attaching some personal notes and resources that I developed myself while running my own players through the castle





I love these. Do you happen to have an ETA for when you expect to release these? I'm excited to have them printed but want to make sure I cut things appropriately if I'm doing so on my own.


Excellent work! I've been collecting all of these and I'm planning on using them for my run through the castle for CoS. They way you've layed them out will make it easy for me to print them and cut out each room. But for the life of me I can't find the Heart of Sorrow interior. Would I be able to find that or is that not a part of the ravenloft collection?


It will be! It's somewhat repetitive so I wasn't going to include it in an official 'paid post', but will be in the official Ravenloft Collection that I'm currently polishing.