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Hello all!

As I'm sure some of you are aware of, I have been working on the next larger public assets pack for a few months now. The theme, Urban, seems to be a topic of great potential use for many of you and in order to hope and try to pull it off in the way that I envision it's required a little more work than I had originally envisioned.

One of the main crutches of that labor was creating a full page, hand drawn roof texture that would fit together appropriately when creating your own buildings, but wouldn't have the obvious, prepopulated effects that I so often see with game-based textures. So thanks to math and my undying need for self-punishment, I've finished that roof texture piece by piece in time to give all you lovely people a preview of what's to come.

Here you will find a 'preview pack' of the still-in-development public pack of all of the roof pieces that will go into it. You'll find roofs of different sizes, colors, shapes, some combined already for your use, some smaller parts to further modify rooftops, and more. I'd love it if you all could play around with them at your leisure and let me know what you think of them.

Additional assets that are still in development and not included here:

- Chimneys

- Flags

- Holes and Collapsed Roofs

- Makeshift wooden 'bridges' to place between adjacent buildings

- Clotheslines

- Fountains

- Landscaped Trees & Bushes

- a new backdrop/ground with grass, dirt, and cobblestone for semi-urban areas (no full page, city-esque cobblestone texture yet, next time!)




Wow, shaping up to a be a very nice asset pac. Thank you for all your hard work.


Yes!! I am so excited, I have been waiting so long for these. I cannot wait until you complete it!

Daniel Schmitz

Awesome! I won’t be able to test these for a few days sadly. Are these pre-sized for the standard 1 inch battle maps? Or are they sized to make town maps? (Hopefully that makes sense.)


They are at battle-map scale for encounters, though I don’t see any reason you could use them as is or mess around with their sizing for a town map too!

Leticia Sparkman

I'm super looking forward to this. It always seems the number one kind of map I find myself trying to find variety in is 'alley encounter'.


This is great! Are there any plans to add corners for L or T shaped structures that we could potentially modify the rectangular roofs with? Either way, the assets in this preview as is is already plenty useful (at least for me!). I cannot wait for the finished pack. Thanks for providing this!


Yes! At least, that's what the 'roof extension' pieces are for, so that they can be attached to one of the base roofs to give it at L or T shape. Is that what you were thinking of or are those options a little too small or limited?


Great asset. Please do a culturally architectural cool swing over to Northern African/Middle Eastern buildings - rare assets which will fill a nice empty cool niche. Mud Brick/Adobe buildings, an Arabic hospital, traditional Berber houses, a mosque or three, a caravansery/caravanserei, a medieval Cairo bazaar, the houses of medieval Damascus, Ancient Egyptian temples, pyramids, medieval Morroccan houses with a mosaic atrium/inner courtyard and a fountain etc etc. ^^ Let me know if you want pics/inspirations.


I was actually thinking more along the lines of being able to "snap" roof pieces together to form larger structures, like an H shaped manor, for example... Maybe a flat roof for really wide buildings? Im envisioning being able to use these assets to build really cool top down views of structures like massive cathedrals and castles. I do realize that that probably isnt within scope of this asset pack or its intended use though, and appreciate the kind of work and planning that would be needed to realize that. Thanks for hearing me out and thanks again for the preview. I can tell you really worked hard on these. I am looking forward to the finished pack!


Yeah kind of like how you could create a roman villa type dwelling with a inner exposed courtyard. Here's an example of my experimenting with that goal in mind. <a href="https://imgur.com/r2YvJ5Y" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://imgur.com/r2YvJ5Y</a>


Perfect--thank you James! I think I'll be able to make pieces like those for this. The visual example is very helpful.


Woohoo! \o/

Joshua A Calderhead

Shaping up nicely! So happy to support a creator putting in this kind of creation! Great job so far!